Land Acquisition – history and current status
Property Overview / Area of EMN / Mangan Chvaletice interest
During the preparation of the project, the area of land of interest for the implementation of the project was identified. No forced land acquisition or resettlement is required for the Project. The land can be divided into two parts. The first is "industrial zone" and the second is "tailing area/protected deposit area". Both integral areas are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 - Map of Project Land of Interest
“Industrial zone” - proposed site of the Processing Plant, ~25 ha – bottom part of the picture.
“Tailings area/protected deposit area”, ~1km square – top part of picture.
Both areas will be connected by a technological bridge for transporting the pulped raw material (tailings) and non-magnetic tailings residue and leach residue. Areas are divided by railway (national corridor) and public road.
Processing Plant Area
“Industrial zone” for processing plant fully contractually secured including connection to the railway shunting yard of the power plant.
Land (blue highlighting) of the industrial area is owned by Mangan Chvaletice, s.r.o.. This land was gradually purchased from the three original owners. The largest part was acquired in December 2023 through the acquisition of the site owner, EP Chvaletice. The acquisition/option agreements (share acquisition of 100 % of EP Chvaletice s.r.o.) were signed in 2018. Land on the northern part of the industrial zone (purchased from power plant company SevEn) allows connection to the power plant shunting yard and consequently the connection to the public railway.
Land of Správa nemovitostí Kirchdorfer CZ s.r.o. (green highlighting) to be acquired by the end of 2025. The acquisition contracts (asset deal on the land) were signed in 2020 and are in the notary's custody. Payments are made according to an agreed schedule. Acceleration of the contract is possible if required, depending on the timing of the payment.
Land of Galmet trade, spol. s r.o. (yellow highlighting) has been secured by a 30-year lease agreement since 2019; the lease can be converted to a sale of the leased land against the payment of an agreed purchase price.
Tailings Area/Protected Deposit Area
The tailings area as a Protected Deposit Area is designated for mining use. MANGAN Chvaletice, s.r.o. has concluded four out of five land access agreements covering 85% of the resource within the tailings, with the remaining land access agreement under negotiation.
Land of the Town of Chvaletice for the mining area (red highlighting) secured by 40- year lease agreement, entered into in 2022.
Land of CEZ, a.s. for the mining area (light blue highlighting) secured by a royaltybased lease agreement, signed in 2023.
Land of HELOT, spol. s.r.o. (green highlighting) and land of Mr. Vanek (mauve highlighting – but only a strip within protected deposit area) for ancillary land and start of the RSF construction areas is owned by Mangan Chvaletice, s.r.o. since January 2024.
Land of Municipality of Trnávka (light yellow highlighting) secured by the purchase agreement from 2019. Contract is in the notary's custody with ownership transfer onto Mangan Chvaletice upon the last payment when the construction permit is granted.
Land of Elektrárna Chvaletice a.s. (Sev.en Group) for the mining area (dark yellow highlighting) negotiations still ongoing, completion expected in 2024.
Land of BAUSET CZ, a.s. for access to the mining area (purple highlighting), publicly available purpose-built road, access granted; nevertheless, purchase considered in 2024/25 to simplify construction of the technological bridge (land outside of the tailing area).