Euro Manganese Inc. Diversity Policy
Adopted by the Board of Directors: December 14, 2017
Our Commitment to Diversity
As a publicly listed Canadian Resource Company, Euro Manganese Inc. and all of its subsidiaries (“EMI” or the “Company”) strives to create an inclusive culture in which diversity is valued and sought after. Our global team of men and women from diverse backgrounds and geographies contribute their unique skills, experience and perspectives every day to adapt and respond to our company needs, creating and capitalizing on opportunities. This competitive advantage is one of our biggest assets and it positions us for success in the development of a new manganese tailings recycling facility in Czech Republic.
“Diversity” is any dimension that can be used to differentiate groups and people from one another and it means the respect for and appreciation of the differences in gender, age, ethnic origin, religion, education, sexual orientation, political belief or disability. At EMI we respect and value the perspectives, experiences, cultures and essential differences our employees possess. Our commitment to the advancement of women in the workplace reflects EMI’s understanding that achievement and fulfillment of individuals’ career potential are only made possible by the development and advancement opportunities, training and mentoring provided to all of our personnel, throughout the organization.
Our Commitment
1) Creating a Diverse Workforce - that targets three key attributes:
(a) Experiential (education, business and functional experience);
(b) Demographic (age, gender, ethnicity, nationality, geography); and
(c) Personal (personality, interests, values).
2. Encouraging Diversity of Perspectives – based on each individual’s diverse attributes and unique skills and experiences.
3. Valuing and Respecting Diversity of Stakeholder Views – building strong internal and external relationships with key stakeholders, including with our employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders and the communities in which we live, operate and carry on business.
Why is Diversity Important to EMI?
We aspire to have diversity, including gender diversity, throughout our organization, on the executive team and the Board, because:
It is socially, ethically and morally wrong, and bad for business to discriminate in 2017;
It gives our Company access to a far a wider and deeper talent and often underutilized pool;
It enhances and improves our decision making;
It enables us to attract and retain the best talent to build a highly engaged and high performing workforce;
It positions us to deliver on our business objectives;
Protects our license to operate; and
Assists us to adapt and understand the communities where we do business, and to integrate ourselves into them.
We recognize the importance of diversity, in the broadest sense of the term, at all levels of the company, including the Board and the executive team. Our Board and executive team believe that diversity is important for both board and organizational effectiveness. The three key diversity attributes (experiential, demographic and personal attributes) are essential with regard to creating an appropriate balance of skills, experience, independence and knowledge required on the Board and the executive team. These diversity attributes, which specifically include gender diversity, are factored into the recruitment and decision-making process when new Board and executive appointments are made. When engaging external search consultants to identify future candidates for Board or executive roles, such consultants are requested to take full account of all aspects of diversity in preparing their candidate list to provide a diverse and balanced slate where possible. Ultimately, come what may, appointments should be based on merit, measured against objective criteria, without discriminating against anyone, one way or another.